
publications in reversed chronological order; generated by jekyll-scholar.

Google Citation World Map


  1. Monitoring and the cold start problem in digital platforms: Theory and evidence from online labor markets
    Chen Liang, Yili Hong, and Bin Gu
    Information Systems Research, 2025
  2. Enhancing user privacy through ephemeral sharing design: Experimental evidence from online dating
    Yumei He, Xingchen Xu, Ni Huang, Yili Hong, and De Liu
    Information Systems Research, 2025
  3. Monitoring and home bias in global hiring: Evidence from an online labor platform
    Chen Liang, Yili Hong, and Bin Gu
    Information Systems Research, 2025
  4. Platform governance with algorithm-based content moderation: An empirical study on Reddit
    Qinglai He, Yili Hong, and TS Raghu
    Information Systems Research, 2025
  5. Lost in the Crowd: How Group Size and Content Moderation Shape User Engagement in Live Streaming
    Keran Zhao, Yili Hong, Tengteng Ma, Yingda Lu, and Yuheng Hu
    Information Systems Research, 2025


  1. When the clock strikes: A multimethod investigation of on-the-hour effects in online learning
    Ni Huang, Lingli Wang, Yili Hong, Lihui Lin, Xunhua Guo, and 1 more author
    Information Systems Research, 2024


  1. Voice-based AI in call center customer service: A natural field experiment
    Lingli Wang, Ni Huang, Yili Hong, Luning Liu, Xunhua Guo, and 1 more author
    Production and Operations Management, 2023
  2. The hidden costs and benefits of monitoring in the gig economy
    Chen Liang, Jing Peng, Yili Hong, and Bin Gu
    Information Systems Research, 2023
  3. Putting religious bias in context: How offline and online contexts shape religious bias in online prosocial lending
    Amin Sabzehzar, Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, and TS Raghu
    MIS Quarterly, 2023
  4. Direct and indirect spillovers from content providers’ switching: Evidence from online livestreaming
    Keran Zhao, Yingda Lu, Yuheng Hu, and Yili Hong
    Information Systems Research, 2023
  5. Differential effects of multidimensional review evaluations on product sales for mainstream vs. niche products
    Xin Zheng, Jisu Cao, Yili Hong, Sha Yang, and Xingyao Ren
    MIS Quarterly, 2023
  6. Some thoughts on reviewing for Information Systems Research and other leading information systems journals
    Suprateek Sarker, Edgar A Whitley, Khim-Yong Goh, Yili Hong, Magnus Mähring, and 6 more authors
    Information Systems Research, 2023


  1. SHEDR: an end-to-end deep neural event detection and recommendation framework for hyperlocal news using social media
    Yuheng Hu, and Yili Hong
    INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2022
  2. How do on-demand ridesharing services affect traffic congestion? The moderating role of urban compactness
    Ziru Li, Chen Liang, Yili Hong, and Zhongju Zhang
    Production and Operations Management, 2022
  3. How do peer awards motivate creative content? Experimental evidence from Reddit
    Gordon Burtch, Qinglai He, Yili Hong, and Dokyun Lee
    Management Science, 2022
  4. The screening role of design parameters for service procurement auctions in online service outsourcing platforms
    Chen Liang, Yili Hong, Pei-Yu Chen, and Benjamin BM Shao
    Information Systems Research, 2022
  5. Managing congestion in a matching market via demand information disclosure
    Ni Huang, Gordon Burtch, Yumei He, and Yili Hong
    Information Systems Research, 2022


  1. On factors that moderate the effect of buyer-supplier experience on e-procurement platforms
    Yili Hong, and Benjamin BM Shao
    Production and Operations Management, 2021
  2. Measuring product type and purchase uncertainty with online product ratings: A theoretical model and empirical application
    Peiyu Chen, Lorin M Hitt, Yili Hong, and Shinyi Wu
    Information Systems Research, 2021
  3. When does dispute resolution substitute for a reputation system? Empirical evidence from a service procurement platform
    Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, and Senthil Kumar
    Production and Operations Management, 2021
  4. Just DM me (politely): Direct messaging, politeness, and hiring outcomes in online labor markets
    Yili Hong, Jing Peng, Gordon Burtch, and Ni Huang
    Information Systems Research, 2021


  1. Unemployment and worker participation in the gig economy: Evidence from an online labor market
    Ni Huang, Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, and Paul A Pavlou
    Information Systems Research, 2020


  1. Motivating user-generated content with performance feedback: Evidence from randomized field experiments
    Ni Huang, Gordon Burtch, Bin Gu, Yili Hong, Chen Liang, and 3 more authors
    Management Science, 2019


  1. Stimulating online reviews by combining financial incentives and social norms
    Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Ravi Bapna, and Vladas Griskevicius
    Management Science, 2018
  2. Embeddedness, prosociality, and social influence: Evidence from online crowdfunding
    Yili Hong, Yuheng Hu, and Gordon Burtch
    MIS Quarterly, 2018
  3. The value of multidimensional rating systems: Evidence from a natural experiment and randomized experiments
    Pei-Yu Chen, Yili Hong, and Ying Liu
    Management Science, 2018
  4. Surviving in global online labor markets for IT services: A geo-economic analysis
    Irfan Kanat, Yili Hong, and TS Raghu
    Information Systems Research, 2018


  1. On the role of fairness and social distance in designing effective social referral systems
    Yili Hong, Paul A Pavlou, Nan Shi, and Kanliang Wang
    MIS Quarterly, 2017
  2. On buyer selection of service providers in online outsourcing platforms for IT services
    Yili Hong, and Paul A Pavlou
    Information Systems Research, 2017
  3. Social network integration and user content generation: Evidence from natural experiments
    Ni Huang, Yili Hong, and Gordon Burtch
    MIS Quarterly, 2017


  1. Comparing open and sealed bid auctions: Evidence from online labor markets
    Yili Hong, Chong Wang, and Paul A Pavlou
    Information Systems Research, 2016


  1. Product fit uncertainty in online markets: Nature, effects, and antecedents
    Yili Hong, and Paul A Pavlou
    Information Systems Research, 2014


  1. On product uncertainty in online markets: Theory and evidence
    Angelika Dimoka, Yili Hong, and Paul A Pavlou
    MIS Quarterly, 2012